Hans-André Stamm
born in 1958 in Leverkusen, Germany, started to study organ and piano at the age of seven.
With 11 he started to tour in Germany and abroad as an organ virtuoso.
His first recording was published when he was 13. As soon as he turned 16 he gave a solo recital at Notre Dame cathedral, Paris.
From 1973 to 1976 he studied organ at the conservatory of Liège, Belgium with Hubert Schoonbroodt.
Having obtained the ‘Premier Prix avec distinction’ and the ‘Diplôme supérieur’ (1976) he graduated at the Robert Schumann Conservatory at Düsseldorf. Studies in musicology at the University of Bonn led to the construction of the Enharmonic Pipe Organ according to the plans of Prof. Dr. Martin Vogel, an instrument in just intonation with 48 pipes per octave, which served for his research in microtonal music. Since 1983 he composed and published organ-, chamber- and orchestral music and recorded several CDs.