This new collection contains further catchy pieces for concert and piccolo flute. The volume is one of the six winners of the US ‘Newly Published Music Competition 2016’ of the NFA (National Flute Association), see here.
1. The Joyful Birdie – 1. page (pdf)
2. Fantasia cilena – 1. page (pdf)
3. Rondo alla latina – 1. page (pdf)
4. Fantasia alla latina – 1. page (pdf)
5. Celtic Hymn- 1. page (pdf)
6. Pavane on a provençal Christmas carol – 1. page (pdf)
7. La curruca feliz – 1. page (pdf)
8. March of Joy – 1. page (pdf)
Videos on Youtube
The Joyful Birdie
Fantasia cilena
Rondo alla latina
Fantasia alla latina
Celtic Hymn
Pavane on a provençal Christmas carol
La curruca feliz
March of Joy